General requirements. Texts are submitted to the editorial office in electronic and printed form. The original textis tobe clean and not to be dented, without any corrections entered by hand. The pages are numbered in pencil on theback.
The printed textis to be identical to the electronic version of the article.
Files with an article are accepted on CD-ROM, USB drive (without virus) or by e-mail.
Printed articles are submittedto the secretary of the journalpersonally or send by mail indicating the return address (for nonresidents).
ATTENTION! Author(s) of the article must put a signature on the last page.
The number of authors is not more than 5. The author has the right to be published once, the second time with co-authors.
The index of the Universal Decimal Classification preceded by the title of the article corresponds to the stated theme and is put in the upper left corner of the page.UDC index precedes the title of the paper. It corresponds to the stated topic and placed in the upper left corner of the sheet.
Electronic copy. The article is typed in the program Microsoft Office Word 2003!
Content. The article should describe problems, reflected the object of study, achieved level of research, the novelty of the results, their application area.
The article should end with a conclusion (the word "conclusion"is not writtenin the article!). It is typed in a separate paragraph (paragraphs), where the novelty of the results, effectiveness etc. are emphasized.
Complete article: 3-8 pages (including figures, tables, and bibliographic references).
Abstract: 1-2 pages.
Page properties. A4 (210 X 297).
Font – Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Margins: left and right – 20mm, up and down – 25 mm.
Not allowed to type texts in capital (uppercase) letters and in bold (except for the name) and place all of the elements in the framework and simulate design set in the journal.
должна состоять минимум из 150 слов (следует ориентироваться на объем англоязычной аннотации). Аннотация должна раскрывать содержание статьи, следовать логике и последовательности изложения материала. В ней необходимо отразить актуальность, научную новизну и (или) практическую значимость полученных результатов исследования.
The main text of the article is placed in a gap from the abstract.Aline interval – single, letter and word interval – normal, hyphenation is not allowed. Chapter headings are to be centered.
Paragraph indention – 5 mm.
References to the sources used in the article are enclosed in square brackets and numbered sequentially, starting with [1] (required to comply with the sequential numbering in the text,and not to make references in alphabetical order).
1. Semantic explanations of the mail text or supplements thereto issued in the form of intra-text notes among the rows of the main text under the special heading, selected light italic: Note (one note), Notes: (several notes). They are separated from the text by a point (if they stand in singular in the selection of the text notes). Notes should be numbered sequentially.
The notes should be numbered sequentially.
2. If there is a grant, reference to grant is placed bellow the line of the main text (foot-note).
Formulas.Simple inline and single-line formulas should be typed without special editors. Special complex symbols and long formulas, which can not be typed in a usual way, are to be typed with the formula editor Math Type. A set of mathematical formulas within the whole text should be uniformed:
- size ofcharactersis defined by the standard settings ofMathType (Size - Define - Factory);
- Russian and Greek characters – straight type;
- Latin – italics.
The formulas located on a separate line are centered.
Not allowed to setsimple Latin, Greek or special characters in the formula editor in the main text of the article.
Tablesareto benumbered sequentially. The word “Table” should be typed in italics light aligned to the right, type 11pt, for example Table 1, bellow the title of the table (bold, centered). If the table is large, it can be placed on a separate page. If the table has considerable width, it can be placed on the page in landscape orientation.
Illustrations. The illustrations and captions are to be inserted in the text of the article and additionally secured by a separate file of any popular graphics formats (for example Jpg,. Bmp,. Tiff, etc.).Figures should be numbered sequentially in a normal type without quotation marks aligned to the center, for example Fig 1., can contain under image title, type 11 pt. Figures can be scanned from the original(in this case, they are to be clear, contrasting, without extra background) or made by using a computer graphics. Color illustrations are not accepted.
Information about the authoris to be placed in the end of the article in Russian and English and is made in the following sequence:
- surname, name, middle name (completely);
- academic degrees;
- position, place of work;
- E-mail;
- telephone number;
- address for correspondence (for nonresidents).
It is not allowed to use abbreviations and acronyms in the information about the authors.
Articles are reviewed. Rejected materials are not returned.