Сибирский государственный университет
науки и технологий имени академика М.Ф. Решетнева


Наш адрес: 660014, г. Красноярск, проспект имени газеты «Красноярский рабочий», 31, корп. Н, каб. 701.

Телефон: (391)291-92-91

Факс: (391)291-90-19

Адрес электронной почты: tsvettsykhalex@mail.ru

Ответственный секретарь научного журнала: Цветцых Александр Васильевич, к.э.н., доцент

Телефон ответственного секретаря: 8-950-416-3478

Procedure for reviewing manuscripts

«Social and economic systems management»

  1. Manuscripts are checked for compliance with the technical requirements and the journal profile. Along with the materials the following documents are submitted: expert report, external review, the license agreement. Materials, that do not meet these conditions, are returned to authors with the reasons for refusal to accept the manuscripts.

  2. Further, according to the scientific researchprofile,manuscripts will be sent to referees (members of the journal’s editorial staff, employees of SibSAU, as well as scientists from other universities and research organizations).

  3. If a referee has any comments, the article will be returned to an author on completion. After correcting the remarks, the article is redirected to a referee.

  4. The articles received a positive review will be considered at the next meeting of the editorial staff, where a list of articles for the next issue will be prepared. If the number of articles exceeds the stated volume of the journal, the articles, which were not included, will remain in the editorial portfolio until the next meeting.

  5. In the case of negative review, an author receives a reasoned refusal. In case of disagreement with the opinion of a referee, the author has the right to provide a reasoned response to the journal.

  6. Materials (paper and documents) will not be returned to the author.